How do you define residual income? Creating residual or passive income is not as hard as many would lead you believe, but America and other countries alike need a work force (working class people) this is what drives the economy. That's why you'll never hear alot of so-called experts give a straight answer to the secrets of wealth. They'll talk about wealth in a round about way making you believe that your recieving Read more
Weekly Market Update: Protect Your Retirement Portfolio from Record Consumer Debt Fallout This past week, the Federal Reserve released their most recent report on consumer debt. It did not paint a pretty picture. Overall consumer debt increased by a sobering $10.3 billion for March. This brought it up to an all time high of over $4 trillion ( $4.05 trillion to be exact). The chart below shows the year long t Read more
Some people hate bitcoin. They say it’s not money... but that’s actually what makes it great. Think about it: China owns over $1 trillion of U.S. debt. We’re currently in a trade war with China. Central banks around the world are buying up more and more gold. In the last 100 years, the dollar has plummeted in value. One of bitcoin’s (and gold’s) many strengths is that it’s NOT a cu Read more