
Apr 01, 2019 - 07:44 AM
The popularity of the second largest ride-sharing tech company has people investing by the dozens since the debut of their IPO in March 2019. The stock opened at a little over $70 and went as high as $82 at closing.
While its still to early to tell where this stock is going, I would keep my eyes on it because as we all know, when Google first introduced its IPO at a modest or some would say, (generous) $10 per share back in 2004, everyone was skeptical. Fast forward to 2019, the Google (Alphabet) stock is somewhere around $1100 per share. Had you invested back in 2004 when it was still at $10, ypu probably would be laying on a beach somewhere in Tahiti or Spain. The same can be said for the Amazon stock. No one saw it coming until the company exploded in the late 90s well onto the mid 2000s and today in 2019, is a giant that dwarfs the competition in every aspect of the game. As for lyft, not even Google opened with an IPO that high but, again, if you have the extra money to invest, I would definitely drop at least $1000 into the stock and see where its goes within the first two years.
While its still to early to tell where this stock is going, I would keep my eyes on it because as we all know, when Google first introduced its IPO at a modest or some would say, (generous) $10 per share back in 2004, everyone was skeptical. Fast forward to 2019, the Google (Alphabet) stock is somewhere around $1100 per share. Had you invested back in 2004 when it was still at $10, ypu probably would be laying on a beach somewhere in Tahiti or Spain. The same can be said for the Amazon stock. No one saw it coming until the company exploded in the late 90s well onto the mid 2000s and today in 2019, is a giant that dwarfs the competition in every aspect of the game. As for lyft, not even Google opened with an IPO that high but, again, if you have the extra money to invest, I would definitely drop at least $1000 into the stock and see where its goes within the first two years.
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