How to Create Residual Income. The Simple Explination.
How do you define residual income? Creating residual or passive income is not as hard as many would lead you believe, but America and other countries alike need a work force (working class people) this is what drives the economy. That's why you'll never hear alot of so-called experts give a straight answer to the secrets of wealth. They'll talk about wealth in a round about way making you believe that your recieving valuable information when your really not getting anything. Many talk in continuous circles using different wording in an attempt to throw you off hoping you missed it.
They give looong, drawn out explanations in a battle for search engine position so that they can sell their hyped up garbage to the masses and cash out. I'm going to share my experience for free in hope that it will ignite a flame in you so you can take control over your life and gain some freedom and you don't have to pay upwards of $500-$10,000 for bogus informational courses that tells you absolutely nothing or even worse, things you already knew. Most of these people (Not All) are making boat loads of money throwing out a bunch of carefully crafted crap for thousands of dollars to gain what should be public knowledge.
What Is Residual Income?
In its simplest form, it Is doing something once, really well and collecting lifetime profits long after the initial work is done. Think Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter and others. The point I'm trying to make, is to model success. Do what other successful people have already done. Whether it be that book you've been putting off for forever, that script you want to pitch to Netflix or you want to become the next YouTube star. Start now and build the life you've always dreamed of for you and your family. Do it one time and do it well. If you do this, I guarantee you will see results. Don't get stuck working for someone else for the rest of your life taking home the leftovers. Those days are over! There's entirely too much money to be made to settle for anything less than you're worth.