It’s no big secret that we are living in an age where everybody is a marketing expert. You have everyone in the world trying to sell you a product or service to help you succeeded in online marketing.
Most of it is garbage and the others won't give you the whole truth. This tactic keeps you coming back for more with your wallet in hand.
The truth is, that we all share similar goals and aspirations.
That goal is to accumulate massive amounts of income so that we can live the life that we often dream about.
We can retire early enough with loads of money in the bank to take care of ourselves , our families and travel the country and maybe even the world.
The fact is, that 99% won't ever see this larger than life possibility.
Why? Because many people who have the desire to become more, often lack true passion and drive when it comes to starting a business and taking it to the next level.
Many people become discouraged because they get stuck in the everyday routine.
Working, picking up the kids, making dinner, fall asleep and repeat. I can not fathom the thought of working for someone else for the next 20 -30 years. This is something I have said time and time again, and I will continue to push it because I truly believe that in order to succeed as an online marketer, you must learn to switch your focus and step outside of traditional thinking. Learn to advertise and market like a pro. I had to learn the hard way, but I finally figured it out.
I've found that many people actually work for advertising and marketing agencies and never thought about applying their skills and start working for themselves. Unbelievable!
(Your existing knowledge is a goldmine waiting to be tapped into. Take advantage.)Long gone are the days of posting raw affiliate links on search engines or on some other persons website or blog then sitting back and wait for a big fat pay day. Not going to happen! It takes dedication and effort to succeed.
Times have drastically changed, and with everyone scrambling to accomplish the same thing, it's gotten even harder to make your first dollar online.
The internet has become overcrowded, but there's still plenty of money to be made. You just have to understand how to get it.
I personally avoid pay per click advertising. Sure, the big search engines can bring you lots of traffic and you will make a sale or two, but in the long run, they will eat away at your budget and you will find yourself dishing out more than you're taking in.
The first sight of a commission sale gets many people excited. But believe me when I tell you, that if you don't have deep pockets, you will put yourself out of the game quick before you even get started.
So, for those of you who have taken the first step of creating your website or blog, but are still facing the every day 9 to 5 and longing for the day to tell that pompous boss to kiss your a$$, then keep reading.
Note: Once you've created your website, go to
Google webmaster console submit your sitemap and have your site indexed for free. It will slowly start to build organic search visibility if you have great content.
The key to true online marketing success (and getting recurring visits month after month) is to create your own qaulity content.
Content is the best way to market a product today. Provide value to consumers by creating helpful videos, new recipes, interesting articles or your version of original reviews of a particular product or service.Give your audience something they actually want because that content builds up the relationships (the trust factor) that then allows you to make the sale over and over again.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is part of the 'big secret' to making money online. If you don't know how to create your own content, learn!
You will thank me later (or not).
Nothing on the internet is as original as people would lead you to believe. We all think alike to some degree and therefore, more often than not, we at some point produce the same content. It's just repackaged in the the form of a different website or blog with different layouts and colors.
The other part of the 'big secret' to making money online is to know your audience. Give your product away for free (at first.)
This will build trust among your audience.
Then drive it home with advertisements strategically placed on your site or blog.
Super Affiliate: How I Made $436,797 In One YearThink of Google. Most of all of their products and some services are absolutely free and they have billions of earger consumers with their credit cards in hand on a daily basis. (Smart right?)
Imagine if Google charged people to search their website. Not a good idea at all!
They're not looking for a quick one-time sale, and because they offer a free service, they have billions of repeat online consumers flocking to their site every single day with credit card in hand, searching for something to buy. Pure genius!
Model success. Do what has already been proven to work, then put your own unique spin on it.
Are you starting to get it yet? I thought so.
To make money, you must learn to solve a particular problem. Success is on the other side of service.
Don't try to make a quick buck pitching affiliate links on social media or other sources looking for a quick buck. Build your business by offering free quality content relevant to your customers needs.
Master your niche and give them what they want. It's really that simple.
Don't spam your audience. This can be a real turnoff as people don't like to be sold on a particular product or service. Give them options and allow them to make an informed decision on their own. This will lead them to the well. (Your product or affiliate links.)
Many people don't want to see you succeed, so they will try to dissuade you and take you off course. I'm telling you, not to fall for it! Go after your dreams and live a life of fulfilment and abundance.
I use this cool little site I found to embed my affiliate links in the form of a phrase or sentence
http://easyhyperlinks.comIf you like this article, feel free to share it with your audience by clicking one of the share buttons below.
I wish you all tremendous success in everything you do. Good luck!