Jul 22, 2019 - 05:43 PM
We live in an age where smart phones have become a part of our daily lives. We eat with it, sleep with it, use it in the bathroom and occasionally allow our children to play with it along with a host of other daily routines. It's almost like it has become a living, breathing being of some sort. With all of this activity revolving around our smart phones, one can see how quickly bacteria can find a new home. Many people find it easy to use small amounts of soap and water on a damp cloth, while others might find it better to use handi wipes or other sanitizers. Recently, while doing a little online research, I came across this cool gadget called the Smartphone Sanitizer which sanitizes your devices while they charge and claims to Kill 99.99% of the bacteria growing on your phone in minutes. I haven't done an official review of this product, but based on other online reviews, it has pretty solid ratings. Give it a try and leave your comments.
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