
May 02, 2019 - 05:12 AM
Most businesses fail within the first 2-5 years because of
- Lack of proper planning
- Lack of basic people skills (Being kind, courteous and friendly)
- Lack of vision (Future possibilities)
You don't have to be a pushover, but you don't have to be a total a**hole either. Keep your wits about you and have more of a reserved attitude (Know when to react to a situation and know when to walk away)
Lots of people get that part wrong. Nobody wants to work for or do business with an egotistical, irrational, hot tempered jerk who passes themselves off as a professional. I'd rather chew broken glass before I chose to work for someone like that.
Another big reason many businesses fail is not paying attention to detail and trying to do everything themselves. This will burn you out quickly especially it your learning as you go. (Don't be afraid or too proud to ask for help or assistance.) - Sara Callaway
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