
Apr 29, 2018 - 06:45 PM
A fever, although they make us feel like a nasty, disgusting and sweaty mess, is actually the human body's natural response to infection or illness.
While many illnesses thrive at normal body temperatures, a fever (even a high one) is a good indication that the immune system is functioning properly to ward off the infection.
A fever can be caused by bacterial or viral infection, or in rare cases by poisoning, heat stroke, environmental toxins etc.
Symptoms of a fever may include, but are not limited to diaria, headaches, vomiting, dizziness and fatigue, dehydration, muscle soreness and body weakness.
Think of a fever as the immune systems natural built-in defense system protecting our body's as we go through the healing process.
(The human body is designed to know when a foreign element is invading it.)
Our bodies literally 'sweat it out' (meaning the illness or infection.)
Note: Many people think that reducing the fever can actually make the illness last longer so they don't treat it.
They believe that bringing down a fever will allow whatever is causing the infection to live for a longer period of time in your system.
(Again, I'm not a doctor. Just telling you what I've heard.)
Here are a few tips for reducing a high fever normally peaking at 108ยบ or less:
1. Take a warm shower.
A lukewarm bath or sponge bath may help cool someone with a fever.
(DO NOT use cold baths, ice, or alcohol rubs.) This may cause rebound temperatures and a raise in blood pressure.
2. Regularly use cool rags on the neck and forehead.
(This will help relieve headaches and provide some temporary relief.)
3. Find a cool place to lay down and relax your body.
4. Drink plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated.
(Water, orange juice or ginger ale work just fine, but drink more water than anything else.)
5. If you are caring for yourself or a child, monitor symptoms periodically. I would normally check every 30 - 60 minutes for my children.
(Those who are elderly with a fever should seek immediate medical attention as your immune system is weaker and may not respond properly to fight off infection.)
In the majority of cases, a fever is a natural healthy response that should be allowed to run its course. But, as a safety precaution, you should always consult with a medical professional. Better safe than sorry.
Hope this helps.
Note: I am NOT a licenced medical professional and I do NOT make, imply or guarantee any results.
Any information given is based solely on my personal past experiences and what worked for me or my children.
If you feel that you can NOT reduce or eliminate your fever alone, you should seek medical attention from a licenced medical professional immediately.
While many illnesses thrive at normal body temperatures, a fever (even a high one) is a good indication that the immune system is functioning properly to ward off the infection.
A fever can be caused by bacterial or viral infection, or in rare cases by poisoning, heat stroke, environmental toxins etc.
Symptoms of a fever may include, but are not limited to diaria, headaches, vomiting, dizziness and fatigue, dehydration, muscle soreness and body weakness.
Think of a fever as the immune systems natural built-in defense system protecting our body's as we go through the healing process.
(The human body is designed to know when a foreign element is invading it.)
Our bodies literally 'sweat it out' (meaning the illness or infection.)
Note: Many people think that reducing the fever can actually make the illness last longer so they don't treat it.
They believe that bringing down a fever will allow whatever is causing the infection to live for a longer period of time in your system.
(Again, I'm not a doctor. Just telling you what I've heard.)
Here are a few tips for reducing a high fever normally peaking at 108ยบ or less:
1. Take a warm shower.
A lukewarm bath or sponge bath may help cool someone with a fever.
(DO NOT use cold baths, ice, or alcohol rubs.) This may cause rebound temperatures and a raise in blood pressure.
2. Regularly use cool rags on the neck and forehead.
(This will help relieve headaches and provide some temporary relief.)
3. Find a cool place to lay down and relax your body.
4. Drink plenty of fluids to keep yourself hydrated.
(Water, orange juice or ginger ale work just fine, but drink more water than anything else.)
5. If you are caring for yourself or a child, monitor symptoms periodically. I would normally check every 30 - 60 minutes for my children.
(Those who are elderly with a fever should seek immediate medical attention as your immune system is weaker and may not respond properly to fight off infection.)
In the majority of cases, a fever is a natural healthy response that should be allowed to run its course. But, as a safety precaution, you should always consult with a medical professional. Better safe than sorry.
Hope this helps.
Note: I am NOT a licenced medical professional and I do NOT make, imply or guarantee any results.
Any information given is based solely on my personal past experiences and what worked for me or my children.
If you feel that you can NOT reduce or eliminate your fever alone, you should seek medical attention from a licenced medical professional immediately.
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