
Apr 02, 2018 - 06:25 AM
Found worldwide, bed bugs are most common in developing countries. When these tiny pest invade your home, you need to act quickly to prevent them from spreading.
They are visible to the naked eye, but they are also extremely adept at hiding. They often hide in cracks and crevices such as mattresses, bed frames, bedding, furniture, carpets, baseboards and bedroom clutter.
They are most commonly found in the seams of mattresses or inside box springs.
Bed bugs are most commonly found in places such as hostels, hotels, shelters, and apartment complexes where there are many visitors coming and going on a regular basis.
Adult bed bugs are oval, wingless and have a rusty red color with flat bodies, antennae and small eyes.
Bed bugs feed primarily on the blood of humans, usually at night when people are sleeping.
Dead bedbugs leave discarded shells and insect xxxx will over time leave dark, dotted stains on mattresses and linen. Bed bug bites are another give away as they are distinctive to other insect bites.
Typically they come in threes, in a neat little row. The same bug will bite more than once and will move forward to a suitable bite area, leaving a straight row of marks on the skin.
Achieving complete control can take weeks to months, depending on the nature and extent of the infestation, and everyone will need to cooperate and do their part.
While it is quite costly to get rid of these microscopic pest, there are some solutions.
Five home remedies for bed bugs:
1. Diatomaceous earth
Spread Diatomaceous earth around your house or on the area where bed bugs nest. It takes more than 10 days for this product to kill bed bugs but the chances of eliminating then are good.
Add this powder to cracks in the wall and spaces around the bed to get rid of bed bugs.
2. Baking Soda
Spread some baking soda around the crevices and cracks or wherever you find bugs. Don’t forget to vacuum the soda after few days and re-apply it.
3. Cayenne Pepper
Take 1 tsp each of cayenne powder, oregano and grated ginger. Boil them in water. Strain and spray the solution around the entering spaces of your room and areas where bed bugs may be hiding. The smell of this solution drives the bugs away and prevents them from spreading.
4. Steam Treatment
Get your carpets, mattress, cushions steamed if you want to get rid of this problem. Bed bugs can’t survive in high temperature, minimum 113 degrees Fahrenheit (F) is required. Steam permeates through these materials and destroys the bugs and prevents the egg from surviving.
Note: Steaming should be avoided around electric outlets.
5. Double sided tape
You can attach double sided tape around the bottom of your beds. The bed bugs get stuck if they try to sneak up on you. This is a good method to check bedbugs.
Harris Bed Bug Killer, Diatomaceous Earth Powder, Fast Kill with Extended Residual Protection (8oz)
They are visible to the naked eye, but they are also extremely adept at hiding. They often hide in cracks and crevices such as mattresses, bed frames, bedding, furniture, carpets, baseboards and bedroom clutter.
They are most commonly found in the seams of mattresses or inside box springs.
Bed bugs are most commonly found in places such as hostels, hotels, shelters, and apartment complexes where there are many visitors coming and going on a regular basis.
Adult bed bugs are oval, wingless and have a rusty red color with flat bodies, antennae and small eyes.
Bed bugs feed primarily on the blood of humans, usually at night when people are sleeping.
Dead bedbugs leave discarded shells and insect xxxx will over time leave dark, dotted stains on mattresses and linen. Bed bug bites are another give away as they are distinctive to other insect bites.
Typically they come in threes, in a neat little row. The same bug will bite more than once and will move forward to a suitable bite area, leaving a straight row of marks on the skin.
Achieving complete control can take weeks to months, depending on the nature and extent of the infestation, and everyone will need to cooperate and do their part.
While it is quite costly to get rid of these microscopic pest, there are some solutions.
Five home remedies for bed bugs:
1. Diatomaceous earth
Spread Diatomaceous earth around your house or on the area where bed bugs nest. It takes more than 10 days for this product to kill bed bugs but the chances of eliminating then are good.
Add this powder to cracks in the wall and spaces around the bed to get rid of bed bugs.
2. Baking Soda
Spread some baking soda around the crevices and cracks or wherever you find bugs. Don’t forget to vacuum the soda after few days and re-apply it.
3. Cayenne Pepper
Take 1 tsp each of cayenne powder, oregano and grated ginger. Boil them in water. Strain and spray the solution around the entering spaces of your room and areas where bed bugs may be hiding. The smell of this solution drives the bugs away and prevents them from spreading.
4. Steam Treatment
Get your carpets, mattress, cushions steamed if you want to get rid of this problem. Bed bugs can’t survive in high temperature, minimum 113 degrees Fahrenheit (F) is required. Steam permeates through these materials and destroys the bugs and prevents the egg from surviving.
Note: Steaming should be avoided around electric outlets.
5. Double sided tape
You can attach double sided tape around the bottom of your beds. The bed bugs get stuck if they try to sneak up on you. This is a good method to check bedbugs.
Harris Bed Bug Killer, Diatomaceous Earth Powder, Fast Kill with Extended Residual Protection (8oz)
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