Apr 25, 2018 - 07:20 AM was founded in 2014 by entrepreneur/ business man Marc Lore who also started which was later sold to Amazon in 2010 for $545 Million officially opened for business in November of 2015 in an attempt to gain some of the market share that Amazon continues to dominates.
It was valued at over $1billion USD and was later sold to Wal-Mart stores, INC.
Wal-Mart aquired for a whopping $3.3 billion to take over e-commerce start-up in an attempt to give them some leverage against e-commerce giant, Amazon.
Whatever deal was made, Marc Lore took over Wal-Mart's U.S. e-commerce operations and continues to run officially opened for business in November of 2015 in an attempt to gain some of the market share that Amazon continues to dominates.
It was valued at over $1billion USD and was later sold to Wal-Mart stores, INC.
Wal-Mart aquired for a whopping $3.3 billion to take over e-commerce start-up in an attempt to give them some leverage against e-commerce giant, Amazon.
Whatever deal was made, Marc Lore took over Wal-Mart's U.S. e-commerce operations and continues to run
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